Thursday, February 7, 2008

That pretty much locks it up....

I was going to go in on the republican candidates, but given that Shit Romney just pulled the plug on his run, it pretty much locks up an already leading Mccain. Personally, I think Mccain is a decent choice (I guess). I do disagree with some of his bullshit, namely his immigration and extended Iraq policies. That and the guy is like 200 years old. Most guys his age are trying to remember where they left the Fixodent. I hope he doesn't start hosting BINGO games in the oval office. However, he was supposedly tortured for like 5 years out in Vietnam or someshit which, if true, means that he can look at all the other candidates and say, "I kept it more realer, and will continue to keep it more realer. How's that for experience?" I'm sure some of the details surrounding the actual imprisonment have been embellished, but fuck it. If I came home from a POW camp (which is gully enough), I can not say for certain that I wouldn't exaggerate at least a know, just to make myself look like the man. Can't knock that hustle.....

I should probably do some work here, considering that I am at work, but, to quote my favorite online video of the moment "not now chief, I'm in the zone!"

Like most people, I have my reservations with regards to the war in Iraq. I wouldn't quite put myself amongst the overly liberal humanitarian types, but I have a few problems with the way shit is being handled over there. I am just unsure why we continue to risk American lives to help people who blow themselves up. If the people of Iraq truly wanted a Democratic state, let that be their fucking job. I think that we should just be more forward about our agenda. Once we got Saddam out of power, we should have just jacked the resources (umm oil!) that we wanted and kept it moving. It's no fucking secret that we have a vested economic interest in the region. You know notable politicians and military minds in American history, such as George Washington, warned of the issues we could run into when we begin to overextend our influence into the affairs of foreign nations. I think we should have listened.....

Also, what's the deal with our military? No disrespect to any service members, but fuck. Are we going full scale over there? If what we are seeing from Iraq is any indication of the current strength of our military presence, it is pretty sad. With every bombed market or roadside massacre, we are losing the respect from the other superpowers. That is one reason why I disagree with the troop removal from Iraq. I would rather see the troops from around the globe be brought home to there families and send a full scale military intervention in Iraq. I do not think a cut a run is the way out. We have invested time, money and lives to this mission and it should be completed before we exit. However, the plan for its completion needs a serious adjustment. Namely, we just need to get a little bit grimmier.

I am not void of moral beliefs or sympathy for innocent civilians, but I think the time comes when we must gage the value of American soldiers over the bystanders. I mean, this is a war isn't it? I feel as though our lax approach of maintaining daily civility is one major cause for the continued aggression against our occupancy. It is extremely difficult to conquer an enemy we cannot see. As Katt Williams put it, "Can anyone tell me what the Iraq military uniform looks like?" In other words, we are not fighting a convention war against a convention army. This calls for unconventional measures. I do not have the answers as to how, but I feel a swift tomahawk missile attack would do the trick! No, but seriously, a quick and forceful (6 months, with an increase 100K troops) attack plan before a full withdrawal could prove beneficial. If nothing else, it sends the message to the world that we do not back down or leave a mission incomplete. (I am not sitting in my cubicle with a bald eagle bandana on or pumping my fist in the air, I'm just saying!)

In any event....holler for Ron Paul. Mccain means more Iraq and open borders. Just my opinion, for the two or maybe three people that will read this.

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